About Chamber Music Hutt Valley

The Society was founded in 1979. The purpose was to foster interest in chamber music in the Hutt Valley and to arrange professional performances for the public. We have presented a season of concerts, usually five, between April and October every year. The artists are drawn from this country and overseas. From time to time we present special concerts involving dance, light and sound, and voice.

You can become a subscriber to the Society, but anyone is welcome to attend individual concerts via the box office. Subscribers enjoy substantial benefits outlined in the season brochure on this Web site. If you have school-age children learning music, they can accompany you at no charge.

The venue for most of our concerts is the Little Theatre in central Lower Hutt. This 300-seat theatre is an ideal size for chamber music. Some concerts are held in the nearby church of St James and TheNewDowse whose acoustics are preferred by some musicians. All venues have the benefit of nearby parking, in well-lit streets and car parks.

What Is Chamber Music?

Originally, in the 16th century, it was music written for small groups of players, to be played in an intimate setting, literally one’s chamber at home, in front of an audience of family and friends. Gradually it moved from a private, amateur, diversion to public, professional, performances. Nowadays the setting is more likely to be a small theatre or concert hall but the ensemble usually remains between two and eight players. In contrast, a symphony orchestra has over 100 people plus a conductor. Many composers have found it easier to express emotions through these small, personal groups than through an orchestra. Hence, in chamber music we find some of the greatest and most beautiful music ever written.

For the audience there is always a sense of contact with the players. Each instrument can be seen and its individual voice heard. Sometimes, one of the musicians will introduce a piece with a few words, so increasing the sense of participation for the audience as well as their understanding of what they are about to hear. For those learning music this is especially valuable.

Almost any instrument can be found in chamber music groups, but the commonest ones are piano, violin, ‘cello, viola, clarinet and flute. However, one might also see a harp, saxophone, oboe or some percussion. In groups specialising in “early music” there will be lutes and viols, or even crumhorns, sackbuts and rackets!

Incorporated Society

Chamber Music Hutt Valley is an Incorporated Society and is registered with the NZ Charities Commission as a non-profit organisation. People who subscribe to the full season of concerts in any year become members with voting rights at the AGM. Non-subscribers can register to be on the mailing list and receive our newsletters free of charge. The AGM is held early in the calendar year and anyone interested in furthering the objects of the Society is welcome to attend.

The Society is run by a small Committee assisted by co-opted members with particular skills. The current Committee is:

President Murray Presland
Treasurer Fiona Gullery
Committee Sue Barlow, Anne Goodehere, Dick Werry

There is a special pleasure in creating concert programmes, promoting concerts, working with up-and-coming groups or producing concerts and you can contribute in many ways โ€“ as little or as much as you can manage – by either joining the committee or helping with specific tasks. To support us in making fine music happen in the Hutt Valley contact us.

Contact details

Murray Presland (President) ph (04) 562 8194, 022 656 8309 – [email protected]
